Bhavesh Joshi Superhero

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  1. Bhavesh Joshi Superhero is a 2018 Bollywood movie which was not financially hit and i don’t know the reason why because it is seriously a worth watching movie.
  2. This movie is about how 3 youngsters who fight against the corruption that is prevailing in the society. Bhavesh Joshi continues to fight while his friend Siku(Harshvardhan Kapoor) decides to leave all this and settle in USA. In this fight , Bhavesh gets killed by local politician who was stealing water and selling it illegally to the public. After Bhavesh gets killed, Siku decides not to go to USA and goes underground and plans to take revenge for Bhavesh. He gets proper martial arts training and completely becomes a superhero who goes by the name Bhavesh Joshi. He unearths the water corruption scandal and destroys everyone who was involved in his friend Bhavesh Joshi’s killing.
  3. This movie was not so hit at the boxoffice but became a hit on Netflix. It is like the Shawshank Redemption movie which was not a hit when released but became one of the best movies of all times later on. Bhavesh Joshi is not one of the best movies of all times but it is really a nice movie with a good message.
  4.  The acting and the story of the movie was really good and also had some strong as well as funny songs. It was a realistic superhero movie.
  5. The movie gives us a great lesson. The youngster of this country are running after good jobs and high salary. They are not concerned with changing the country, fighting against corruption and becoming a part of the revolution. We should not lead a simple, non-risky selfish life, instead do something for the betterment of our country.
  6. This movie was made on a budget of rupees 21 Crore but could only get rupees 1.45 crore at the box office even though big names like Anurag Kashyap and Vikramaditya Motwane were involved. This proves that Indian audiences are not concerned with the content of the movie, they just want some superstars in every movie that they watch.
  7. The movie has shown the politicians in bad limelight who are corrupt and they exploit the common people so much that the people pay for the things that they are not assigned to. In this process corrupt becomes rich and the non-corrupt becomes poorer.
  8. There has been proper use of technology in this movie. The use of YouTube to shoot videos exposing corruption and then editing it using graphic technology so that the campaign can be reached to all corners of the earth.
  9. Thanks to Netflix which values good content more than anything, this movie is slowly and steadily becoming a super-hit on the digital media.
  10. A must watch movie and i give 7.5/10.